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The aim of this website is to try and share our personal experiences of travelling and living in the towns of Spain. Spain. We hope to be able to provide useful tips and information that will make your visit more enjoyable.

The experience of zooming through a town on a package tour is very different from someone who has had the time to actually explore a town properly. On a package tour, the aim is to tick off as many tourist wish list items as possible in the shortest amount of time. As a consequence, many of the reviews and much of the information on travel sites is from tourists, looking at touristy things that have been presented to them because they are tourists. In reality, they often haven’t seen much that is real at all.

Towns of Spain

Spain is not just about paella, sangria, and a flamenco dance recital. Spain is a rich and diverse country with multiple regions, all with their own unique traditions. These different regions have different customs, different foods and different languages, yet they are all Spanish.

Hopefully, we can provide a few snippets of information that will help make your visit to the towns of Spain more enjoyable.

In every post, we have tried to provide at least one tip that you won’t find in the brochures. One tip that is going to help you out and improve your visit.