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Home » Spains regions » Aragon


The Aragon region is in Spains North East. It borders France in the north and Catalonia to the east. Valencia is in the south and Castile La Mancha in the south west. Castile Leon is in the west, La Rioja and The Basque Country in the north west.


The landscape of the region is varied. At ranges from the  Pyrenees mountains in the north down towards arid flat terrain in the south. In between is a rich mix of landscapes and habitats. Spains largest river, the Ebro runs through the region.

Aragon has a rich history with the Romans, Visigoths, Moores and various European powers playing their parts through the centuries. The capital Zaragoza was largely destroyed in 1809 during French occupation.

Towns of Region

Read information and tips on these Aragon and Towns:

Getting to Aragon

Flying time from London is around 2 hours 10 minutes.

From Barcelona the trip takes about 1 hour 45 minutes.

The train takes 1 hour 10 minutes from Pamplona .

From Donostia-San Sebastia, the trip is 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Madrid by car takes 3 hours and 10 minutes.

From Barcelona it is also a 3 hour 10 minute drive

The drive takes about 1 hour 20 minutes from Pamplona.

Donostia-San Sebastian the drive takes about 3 hours.